1. Thank you Jesus for giving me another day to make a difference in this world.
2. Thank you for my relationship with YOU.
3. Thank you for my marriage. Let it be a testimony of your unfailing love.
4. Thank you for my family.
5. Thank you for providing our home.
6. Thank you for our Pastor, Greg Rohlinger, who encourages me daily and brings me closer to You.
7. Thank you for our furry friends who truly make our days more entertaining.
8. Thank you for the many friends that we have who love us unconditionally.
9. Thank you for bringing such talented people into our lives who know how to fix things that my pup destroys.
10. Thank you for your daily word. Following you is the BEST decision I have ever made.
11. Thank you for my health.
12. Thank you for my awesome job!
13. Thank you for the people you surround me with who love me even when I am not the best person that I can be.
14. Thank you for the extended family that I have who pick me up when I am down.
15. Thank you for new relationships.
16. Thank you for old friendships.
17. Thank you for random reminders of how much you truly love me.
18. Thank you for the ability to go to school so that I can better myself for my family.
19. Thank you for giving me the ability to be pregnant.
20. Thank you for choosing me to experience the loss of a pregnancy so that I can appreciate it much more when your timing is right.