Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Little Biology Lesson for You

It doesn't matter how old you are when you're diagnosed, it's upon the diagnosis that you need to ACT and CHANGE in order to remain and regain health(y).  The alternatives of not doing so are further GI upset, osteoporosis, CANCER (and *flashback* to paramedic school when discussing long term disease processes; seizure, coma, DEATH)!!

"If a person with the disorder continues to eat gluten, studies have shown that he or she will increase their chances of gastrointestinal cancer by a factor of 40 to 100 times that of the normal population. Further, gastrointestinal carcinoma or lymphoma  develops in up to 15 percent of patients with untreated or refractory celiac disease. It is therefore imperative that the disease is quickly and properly diagnosed so it can be treated as soon as possible."  Celiac(dot)com

It's not a fight we can win at this time.  It's an involuntary antibody response.  There's nothing you can do to change it EXCEPT to adhere to a gluten free diet.  THAT'S IT!! 

 A little Biology lesson on antibody response and celiac disease

"If you have celiac disease, you can not handle ANY amount of gluten nor should you try to test your body. Just because you don’t physically react to a small amount that you can tell, your body on the inside is in turmoil creating a breeding ground for malignant diseases like cancer!" Pretty Little Celiac

 Ok, my rant is done.  =)

While you're at it, don't forget to 'Like' my FB page, Gluten and Celiac and Grains, Oh My!  The more likes I get + the more people I can reach with what I've learned = more HEALTHY people!!  Help me spread awareness!!

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