Today is the most surprising day EVER! I was sitting on the couch thinking of all the things I've had going on for this last month or so. I've begun clean eating by using Isagenix and have had an 18lb weight loss from my efforts. I feel wonderful! I've also just realized that it's been 21 days since my ovulation. It's about 1:30 in the afternoon and I decide to take a pregnancy test.
As I'm sitting in the bathroom, door closed, I feel like I'm sneaking around with a crazy secret! Had Josh come into the bedroom at any time, I'd have thrown myself against the door forbidding him to enter! It was about 2 minutes into the wait and I saw it... a faint vertical line! I got so overwhelmed and nervous that my heart began POUNDING out of my chest. I gathered my test and slipped it into my sweatshirt pocket and hightailed it towards the living room.
I found Josh standing in the kitchen eating a fruit cup. I came around the bar and stood there with a Cheshire cat smile on my face.
He looked and me and said, "What?"
I said, "noooothiiiiing," all the while trying to think of a creative way to tell him.
I rounded the kitchen bar and stood in front of him, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my neck and asked if he could feel my pulse.
"Uh, YEAH...? What's up?"
I pulled the test from my pocket and said, "LOOK"
Josh just looked at me, put up his index finger and said "hold on a sec" and tipped back the remainder of the fruit cup.
He kept looking at the test, which by now had a definite line but it was still slightly faint. I kept telling him, "This is POSITIVE! The test is POSITIVE!"
Josh was literally beside himself. With our previous pregnancy history, it's incredibly hard to be excited and let our guard down. I understand this defense mechanism completely; however, I couldn't contain my excitement.
Every 5 minutes or so I'd say, "Hey! Guess what? We're PREGNANT!" It was a fun day! =0) What a NICE surprise!

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