What a night!
I told Josh I was worried about the mattress getting cold during the night. He assured me I was crazy and that it wouldn't do such a thing.
I FROZE!!!! You know why?!?! Cause the air in the mattress got COLD which in turn made me COLD and I shivered all night because I was COLD! I think I had about 2 minutes sleep all night. =) Ok, maybe 6! Did I mention that I was COLD?!
I have no idea what time we got up but I think it was around 7 or so. Met Mariah and the kids and Mariah's parents, Scott and Debbie. Had showers and off we went to the annual Mount Rainier Festival, which is what this whole trip was planned for. Mount Rainier is the first Mountain that Josh summitted in his mountain climbing hobby. It is quite a special place to him.
We walked around and saw some famous climbers. Stood in line and got trinkets and toys for the boys (Josh and Lee that is). The younger boys climbed a rock climbing wall and ice climbing wall for fun and us girls hung out with the baby which was the best choice! =) Cooper is the cutest baby!
We then took off to go climb some of the mountain. It took us almost an hour to get there and about 3 hours to park! Ok, maybe one but GEEPERS! BUSY place! Josh kept telling me he wanted to take me to see a foot path that has the background of Mount Rainier. He showed me a picture at the festival and it was quite beautiful. It was a whopping 0.2 mile hike to get to. I can do this!

We got there and took pictures of Lee and Mariah and their family at the location to see the foot bridge and Josh and Lee decided that Josh and I would go first for pictures. Josh got the camera ready for Lee and off we went to the foot bridge.
Once we were on it Josh and I posed for our pictures and saw Lee give us a thumbs up. We were looking down below us and we commented on how beautiful it was. I turned around to see the mountain behind me and Josh got my attention by saying, "Jen, I have one more picture to show you." I turned around to see him handing me a picture of him while on Mount McKinley in May. Now, I've seen this picture before, but it said "I love you Jen". This picture now says, "Will You Marry Me?" As I finished looking at the picture Josh took off his hat and sunglasses and began to get on his knee. He pulled out a white box from his pocket and said, "I've been waiting for a long time..... (I entered sensory overload and the last thing I heard was) ...will you be my wife?"
I had to ask him later what all he said... I cried all over again.
I started to cry and told him YES! We then exited the footbridge to take the ring out just in case he dropped it. =) We went off to the side and he put it on my finger.
It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen!
We celebrated with Lee and his family for a few moments. Took some more pictures and we made our trek back down... for 0.2 miles. =)
TODAY was the BEST day EVER!