Thursday, June 5, 2008

~Devin Christopher~

This is Devin. He is my adorable nephew. He is 5 years old and is headed to Kindergarten this August. He is SO ready to do what his sister does and enter the "Big Boy" life!

He has the biggest smile and warmest heart. The littlest things make him the happiest. He usually, non provoked just begins to dance and kick and laugh at himself. One night, before guitar hero became his passion, he, in his underwear and coke bottom glasses, began to play the air guitar. He wasn't just playing it, he was WORKIN' it over! He had a wide leg stance with his arm spinning in the biggest circle he could make. He truly did it for himself until he saw the audience he had and that everyone in the room squealed in delight at what they just saw. My sister sent me a pic and I laughed myself to tears. He gives the GREATEST hugs. Squeezes the life out of ya! Just AWESOME!

This past Saturday was his first time in 'KidZone' at Church. He used to be in 'Play House' which is for preschoolers. The cool thing about KidZone is that it's K-5th grade. That means that his sister is there with him. My Niece came to church with me again on Sunday and told me about his first day in KidZone, I guess he is used to getting snacks in Play House... Apparently he went to one of the teachers and asked him for a dollar so he could get a Pop Tart out of the vending machine at the high school... I can see that giving him his offering money may be an interesting challenge! ;-)

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