Friday, September 24, 2010

~We're In Debt, How About YOU?!~

I became aware of Dave Ramsey about 5 years ago after I signed up for the Financial Peace University classes that my church offered.  About 4 months ago, I received an email from Dave Ramsey saying he was coming in to town.  I logged on to the website and ordered 2 tickets almost immediately.  This, of course was done BEFORE I told Josh anything about it.  He found out through a text message that I sent him.  Probably not the best idea I've had.  He wasn't exactly on board, in fact, we had quite a few conversations about the subject and they were stress filled to say the least. 

The day of the event was not much easier.  It took us forever to get to Dodge Theatre so when we drove past the front entrance, Josh had me get out to find our first come, first served seats.  I walked all over the place but there were no seats available.  There were people saving entire rows of chairs and no matter how much I bribed said row holders, I was on my merry way to look for others.  I went to the club house seats on the second level and found quite a few options.  I nestled in and made a quick Twitter message, "SO EXCITED! @DaveRamseyLIVE right now! Can't wait to get OUT OF DEBT!!"   By the time Josh arrived, Dave was already speaking and  Josh was NOT happy.  He ended up parking about a mile away and had to walk in 1,965 degree heat.  I could feel the negative waves building up against this entire idea and I was praying that Dave would say exactly what Josh needed to hear. 

So there we were, finishing up the first part of the event when Dave stepped off stage.  Another man came up to tell his Debt Free story and then showed off boxes and the goodies cram packed inside that we could purchase.  He also announced that some lucky people would win them.  Another lady came on the video screen and said they pulled people's names who were Tweeting during the event.  She said that when the names were called they needed to scream REALLY loud  and immediately called a man's name.  Josh leaned over to me and said, "Were YOU Tweeting?!"  I looked at him and said, "Why yes, as a matter of fact, I was!"  (On a side note: we are in the infancy stages of a bet we made that I couldn't stay off facebook for a week... Tweeting isn't facebook so I don't think it counts!)  The gentleman on stage showed off another boxed set and the lady called out, "Jenna Clark?"  I leaned over and muttered to Josh, "Are You freaking kidding me?!" as I nestled my purse into my lap.  I raised up both of my arms and belted out a "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"  I guess the slight pause cause a little doubt and she said, "Are you really?" and I yelled, "Yes I AM!"  Poor Josh... I think I made his ears bleed.  I made my way down to the lobby and gathered my prize and back up to the seats I went.  I still wasn't sure if Josh was wanting to be there until he said, "I was thinking about getting one of the sets until you won one, do you think I should get the other?" *YIPPIE*  Yes! Let's do this!  So he went to get the other set as we were settling down for the second half.  By the time we left, we had almost $500.00 worth of goodness all for the price of $99.00!

When we got home, Josh immediately dug out all of his credit cards and summoned me to the office room.  I didn't see what was in his hands until he sat down in the chair and started feeding them into the shredder.  =)

Overall, the event was amazing.  The information was awesome and we left with a plan to sit down tomorrow to hammer this budget thing and embark our DEBT FREE JOURNEY! 

I'll hopefully be documenting along the way.

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