Friday, December 26, 2008

~Blog Block~

I have started many blogs and haven't finished them... Why? I dunno. Probably cause I get stage fright upon every attempt lately. Lots of things to talk about but are they first of all, pleasing to God? Am I reflecting His image thru my ramblings? Am I being negative or emotional? Am I revealing too much of myself on this here blog? Hmm...? What to do?

Thank you for noticing my lack of postings! Love you all. Thank you for standing by during some of my most difficult challenges to date. You all give me great reason to keep my head up and persevere.

Until next time,

All my love.

1 comment:

Miss Heather said...

Hey! I understand what you mean! Sometime I question myself and if what I am writing is good or bad etc. Hope you had a great Christmas!
